Do you want a personal interior, design and elegant?

Follow our sources of inspiration and decoration on Instagram.

Find unique, amazing and gorgeous places, committed creators and THE final touch: Les Forges de Saint-Amand collections.

Handcrafted production, tailor-made and mastered at each stage.

Let yourself be guided and found your style!

#June 2020

                   Source : Pinterest                    Source : Publié dans Milk Decoration Magazine / studio d'architecture Bone Studio

                     Photo credit: Pinterest                                                 

 Photo credit: Milk Decoration Magazine /

 architecture studio "Bone Studio"

        Source : Publié dans Milk Decoration Magazine / studio d'architecture Bone Studio                         Source : Publié dans Milk Decoration Magazine / studio d'architecture Bone Studio

        Photo credit: Milk Decoration Magazine /                                                               

        architecture studio "Bone Studio"

Photo credit: Milk Decoration Magazine /                              

architecture studio "Bone Studio"

        Source : Agence Formafatal        Source : Pinterest

                  Photo credit: Agence Formafa


Photo credit:  Pinterest


         Source : Pinterest          Source : Pinterest

                 Photo credit: Agence Pinterest


  Photo credit: Pinterest


 #May 2020

     Source : Pinterest                Source : Studio Kennon

                          Photo credit: Pinterest                                               

                      Photo credit: Studio Kennon             

                                  Source : Archdaily

                                 Photo credit: Archdaily

     Pinterest            Gabriel Escamez : Milk Decoration


                                    Photo credit:  Pinterest                                                                                                   

                        Photo credit:  Gabriel Escamez :   Milk Decoration

 #April 2020

Source : Double G Interior                 Emilie Bonaventure

                 Photo credit: Double G Interior                              

         Photo credit: Emilie Bonaventure

         Source : Kelly Wearstler              Source : Yaël Siso            

      Photo credit: Kelly Wearstler                                                                                   Photo credit: Yaël Siso

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